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Data Centers
No matter whether your data center is rated tier 1, tier 4 or somewhere in between, no operator wants to experience avoidable issues with components that could cause a power outage.
Below are the list of applications where CMP can provide cable management solutions within a data center environment.
- Solutions for your data center applications
You’re responsible for delivering it all, and in the most secure environment. We’ve pooled our vast expertise and experience across several disciplines. The result is a comprehensive portfolio of integrated solutions and global service. You need to reach the highest performance, we can help you get there.

An essential element to ensure continued supply of power to your data center, the choice of robust and safe cable management products will enhance the electrical safety and long term reliability of your facility.

Step down transformers are often used to bring high voltage power from the external substation, inside the data center maintaining a regulated output. Maintaining connections through good quality, reliable and effective cable management solutions is essential. This will ensure no costly downtime resulting from poor quality components, and ensuring protection of equipment, cables and ultimately your data center asset.

LV/MV Distribution
The distribution systems are at the heart of any data center operation and their installation is a critical aspect of the data center performance.
Apart from compliance requirements of the equipment and components, it is vital that the installation workmanship follows the relevant local codes of practice e.g. BS 7671 18th Edition Wiring Rules in the UK.

LV/MV Cables
Whether used on MV or LV circuits, cable cleats are necessary to secure and support cables and protect them from damage.
Failure to select the right products could lead to consequential damage to other equipment, as well as the cables, and loss of power supply in the event of a short circuit.

HV & EHV Cables
In 2021, HV cable cleats were introduced to the IEC 61914 standard for the first time.
The standard now includes testing requirements for HV cable cleats as well as LV and MV. Therefore, it is important that the products being selected are in full compliance with the latest edition of this IEC 61914 standard.

Fire & Security Equipment
Fire, alarm and security systems and cable circuits naturally require high performance cable glands to maintain their primary functions. This includes reliable sealing against dust and moisture ingress, and also deluge systems where they are installed.

Control & Monitoring Equipment, Emergency Power Equipment & HVC/Cooling Systems
Maintaining the effective running of a data center to prevent any operational issues, these various pieces of equipment and systems must be installed and maintained effectively to a very high standard so there are no system breakdowns.
For more information, or to discuss your requirements, contact our Customer Services Team on +44 191 265 7411 or customerservices@cmp-products.com